Today I have to bring the Mom to the Dr. She is having a very bad melt down due to Step Dad's death. I am sure it is to be expected. She has broken out with Shingles once again. I spoke with the Drs. office the other day, and they confirmed what I thought. STRESS! So off we go today to try and convince Mom to take some anti-depressants for at least a few months. She has been up and down with the mood swings. One day she's fine, the next crying all day, and the next the "Screamer" comes out. The one that yells at anyone in her path. The last person is going to drive me to drink and not stop!
On the crochet/crafty front I have finally started organizing my stuff. I am hoping that I will be more productive now that I can find everything. It was funny because just when I thought that I found all the yarn that one person could possibly could buy in a life time... I found another huge storage box full. I know that I am not saying anything that anyone else has not encountered. It was so nice petting all of my yummy stuff. I just hope that it is ok up in the attic, cause it can get really hot up there.
Ok boys and girls I'm outta here. Have a great weekend. Please drive safely, and sober. :)