Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Drumroll Please !!!!

Edited to remind you gals to copy the award to your blogs! Oops!

The wonderful, and extremely talented Ms. Stacey of no other than: "Serenity Now" has awarded me with this most coveted new award that is being passed around. I know my blog isn't really up to par like most that I visit daily, but I will accept it just the same. Thank you so much Stacey! Anyways here goes with the rules!!!

If I've nominated you, please be nice, play along, and nominate 5 other really cool blogs that you enjoy. Here are my nominees without Stacey, cause she already has the award. Darn it!

Ms. Jane Brocket - @ Yarnstorm

For sharing the most stunning pictures, her country, and her shear intelligence. If you haven't been there you must visit this site. I am sure she won't find this, nor does she know who I am. Go enjoy her blog!

Karen- @ Karen's Knitting & Crochet

A day doesn't pass by when I don't wonder what Karen is working on! Her clothing skills are incredible, she makes it look easy.

Chie- @ Chie's Crochet & knitting

You all know her, just go on over and visit. She has some fabulous photos of her trip home to Japan. Hurry!

Kenyetta - @ Knitty Kitty Kat

Wow I don't know how this girl finds the time to knit! I know her, and believe me she has no time. She must do this in her sleep.

Faye - @ Crochet by Faye

Ohhh the inspiration! I love looking at all of her crafty goodness. It makes me want to get me butt up and move!

So there you have it, in no particular order. There are other's I would have also nominated, but you have all gotten the darn nomination already.

Once again thank you my dear friend Stacey! Your to sweet for words, and your talent with thread goes unsurpassed in my book, and many other's books as well.

Peace out my friends!


Karen said...

Ok, I'll play nice! :)

Chie said...

Hi Kelly!
Oh wow, thank you so much for nominating me! I doubted my eyes for a second when I thought I saw my name! :D
I'll play too, this looks like fun!!

Kenyetta said...

Awww... thank you sweetie! I want to nominate you too!

jsdaughter said...

Hi! Michele sent me.. I've really enjoyed your blog