Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Invisable Brother!

Well I didn't get much done, with the time that I had left with the weekend. I just basically lazed around the house with the hubby, watching movies. I can't seem to get him to sit for a movie, but finally got him to watch one of my favorites "Whale Rider". We watched that in the morning. That night I got him to watch "Ten Things I Hate About You". I just had to see Heath's butt. The whole time I was thinking of things I should have been doing instead. You know GUILT.

The hallway is pretty much completely renovated to the way that I like it. With the exception of some molding work, and some spakle in a few places that were missed. Those are the things I can complete myself. I just don't have the motivation. Then comes the hard part "Decorating". It usually takes me a good three times to get something painted the right color before I like it. Since the hallway is traditional, I would like to keep it that way. I like the old look compared to modern any day. There is just some artsy appeal to it. The color for above the wainscoting is going to be the traditional sage green. While this is not an original choice it soothes my eyes.The wainscoting is going to be a clean beige, as are the risers on the stairs. Ohhh electric is needed as well. I guess that is a biggy. Even though my brother in law said that he could hook the new lights in, without a problem. It became a problem. There were a few other things that he should have done, but now we will have to finish. I guess we should have remembered not to hire family! Well not in this family anyway. Before you leave comments saying that family is cheaper, your wrong. He got paid what any one else would have, or more. Here are some pictures of the hallway believe it or not... lol

(All images are clickable, thanks to a friend)


I have more of the hallway, but I will save them for before and afters.

Here is a picture of the doiley that Stacey gifted to me. It is one of the most beautiful works of art I have ever held in my hands. She is truly gifted. Visit her blog when you get a chance. Talk about thread art! Wow!

(Once again all is clickable!)

And for today I will leave you with some family photos~

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Molly & Princess
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sorry folks, but Lucky is just a little camera shy. I think it has something to do with him being the only male, in a female dominated home.

Have a great day!


Deneen said...

I like the colors you've chosen, looks great!

DixieRedHead said...

ur furbabies r adorable! i like ur colors too!

Kenyetta said...

Glad to see new pictures of the family! The stairway looks beautiful! Can't believe you did it! And your doily-Awesome!

Darlene said...

I love your cats! and that doily is so beautiful..An older lady made me one for my bedroom once and it is such a treasure to me :o)

Mimi said...

I love the colors on your house, Kelly!
Your cat pics are very good, wonderful shots! And your cats are just so adorable =)

Mimi said...

Oh, I forgot to say, the doily looks so pretty there!