Friday, December 29, 2006

Back at Blogland!

Hello all~ Christmas is finally over with, and the stress went along the way with it. Wow what a stressful holiday it can be. Maybe it's just me because I use to have this Martha Stewart complex, but I just can't stand entertaining. I also think that I am always doing everything wrong... instead of just relaxing, and enjoying the festivities. I'm just glad it has come and gone this year.

New Years Eve will be somewhat uneventful which is just fine and dandy by me. We use to have some crazy times that always ended up with me feeling very boring. Always being the designated driver, and the boring one (not being drunk). Now we are very happy to stay home. We always have open house for whoever wants to come by. If they drink they have to stay over though.

I forgot to mention that one of my Christmas gifts from my injured (bitten) vet tech daughter will be a puppy. He is still nursing, and he comes from a very loving home. Hopefully this new addition will be ok with our kitty clan, if not I am sure that my daughter can find him a good home. I hope that it doesn't come to that though. I have been barking, and doing weird things around them to get them ready for the arrival of the new baby which I am sure will be a handful. He is a yorkie... I have always wanted one. We already have a name picked out, but I don't want to jinx anything just yet.

I'm going to sign off for the night now, but before I do I want to wish everyone of my friends a Happy & safe New Year's Eve. Please think before getting into your car!!!

Good bye till the New Year. Lots of hugs!


Pink said...

Glad you survived the holiday, I hope you have a great new year!

StitchLuva and Yarn said...

Happy New Year and congrats on the new baby! Hope everything works out ok.

DixieRedHead said...

Glad to see you back girlfriend! Its about time we got our blogging britches back on! HUGS!

Kenyetta said...

Congrats on the new baby!
How did Chris get bitten?

DixieRedHead said...

Kel where are you? You gotta come out and play more! I'm TAGGING you.. so you better get back to blogging soon!