Friday, July 27, 2007

My Chicken!

Ok this is Miss Little Innocent Chicken, her funky twin is soon to come! My husband doesn't understand the funky thing so I made a regular one for him since he supplies my yarn demands. See I really do crochet... lol

Something else that I worked on yesterday I'd like to share with you. I knew that I had to get this done before the flowers started to wilt outside. Every year I make one, and if you have a nice big hydrangea bush outside you should try it. I actually think I have around 8 because they have been my favorite flower since I was a kid. Anyways here is somewhat of a tutorial in pictures.

These are the cruddy, dusty ones from last year. They usually don't look this bad, but the husband smokes in the bathroom where they are... so... they look cruddy!

Here are my new beauties that I cut and striped of their leaves. The bugs are ugly so please shake outside well.

Now we all know we have a bunch of these twist ties hanging around the house. I love to use these with all things plant related. Yeah they sell them, but you don't see them anyway, and it's always good to recycle! Right?

You kinda play around with the stems, and align your colors the way that you like them. Speaking of color I use coffee grinds in the spring before blooms to make my blues more blue. Just sprinkle around your bush... ummm you know what I mean! BTW... that is my ugly tatooed hand there.

Find your most secure or prettiest flower and secure that to your nail, screw, or in my case towel hanger. If you fight with them enough, and twist enough... (no don't dance) you may soon have something that looks like this. A bow is needed but you get the point.

It's like having a bouquet of flowers in the bathroom. When they begin to dry some of them just don't make the cut. Usually the pink ones go first. Just keep adding to them till the summer is over. The blue, and purple always last through the year. There are many ways to flower dry, but I find the upside down method the best for me since it is the easiest.

When I vacationed in Nantucket, MA years ago I met a vendor with a cart on the street selling dried hydrangeas. She bundled them up with fancy ribbons holding them together. They looked so cute, and she was making a lot of money (I was watching stunned). Not being shy I asked her how she dried them. She said that she held them over a candle which absorbs the water, which dries them up quickly. I have never tried it, but if you do let me know how it goes. Please just don't burn down the house!!!

Have a great weekend all~

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Beach Day!

Going to the beach! Woo hoo! The weather is beautiful here today I hope that the beach isn't overly crowded like a few weeks ago. I think I'll have to find a new beach soon. Maybe Deneen can suggest one!

I wonder how many other's are having problems with bloglines these past two days. I don't know why but I'm showing lots of new posts for blogs that I visit regularly. I know that someone hasn't posted 22 times in one day. Yikes I hope they get this bug fixed soon.

I'll post again tomorrow. I have some crochet goodness to share finally! :) Lots of hugs friends.

Friday, July 13, 2007

How to Wash A Cat - By Bud Herron

There is something very strange about this video. Don't let the humans watch it!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Drumroll Please !!!!

Edited to remind you gals to copy the award to your blogs! Oops!

The wonderful, and extremely talented Ms. Stacey of no other than: "Serenity Now" has awarded me with this most coveted new award that is being passed around. I know my blog isn't really up to par like most that I visit daily, but I will accept it just the same. Thank you so much Stacey! Anyways here goes with the rules!!!

If I've nominated you, please be nice, play along, and nominate 5 other really cool blogs that you enjoy. Here are my nominees without Stacey, cause she already has the award. Darn it!

Ms. Jane Brocket - @ Yarnstorm

For sharing the most stunning pictures, her country, and her shear intelligence. If you haven't been there you must visit this site. I am sure she won't find this, nor does she know who I am. Go enjoy her blog!

Karen- @ Karen's Knitting & Crochet

A day doesn't pass by when I don't wonder what Karen is working on! Her clothing skills are incredible, she makes it look easy.

Chie- @ Chie's Crochet & knitting

You all know her, just go on over and visit. She has some fabulous photos of her trip home to Japan. Hurry!

Kenyetta - @ Knitty Kitty Kat

Wow I don't know how this girl finds the time to knit! I know her, and believe me she has no time. She must do this in her sleep.

Faye - @ Crochet by Faye

Ohhh the inspiration! I love looking at all of her crafty goodness. It makes me want to get me butt up and move!

So there you have it, in no particular order. There are other's I would have also nominated, but you have all gotten the darn nomination already.

Once again thank you my dear friend Stacey! Your to sweet for words, and your talent with thread goes unsurpassed in my book, and many other's books as well.

Peace out my friends!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm not cleaning!

It's to hot to clean, I'd rather just lay here all day. Do you think I have to do everything?

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Chris!

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I got so much done this morning that I am sitting my arse right here for a little while. Just a little net nap is all.
My baby girl turned 23 yesterday! I swear that girl is trying to make me older on purpose, and is doing a good job of it as well. I think she should stop having birthdays for a couple of years atleast. Just till my age coordinates with hers, so I don't have to keep explaining my stupid age!!!
Well I'm sure she would like that as well since she can stay younger also. So kiddo next year it's twenty, ok?
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(Doesn't Chloe look so happy?)
Pete, and I took her, and her bf out for an early dinner yesterday to everyone's favorite spanish seafood/steak place Segovia's. While typing that I realized just how funny that is since I don't eat either of the two, however I do love their chicken franchaise' with the rice on the side. Oh yum... I still have some in the fridge for dinner tonight.
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My girl was sooo happy with the invite for going out. She has been pretty sick for the past two weeks. What we thought originally was just a cold won't go away. Ever since she got a bad sunburn when were at the beach. I thought she was acting at first, but I noticed yesterday that she wasn't. She is going to the Dr. today at 4, and I am sure that some antibiotics will kick it right out of her. I sure hope so anyway.
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(I warned her!)
Her birthday gift from her father, and I will be some new contact lenses that she needs badly. This is what she wanted... so be it. She gets spoiled all year long, and it isn't a tiny priced gift either, especially when the girl has astigmatism and needs special contacts. When she was just a kid we would get her a present for every year that she turned a new age. We would hide the gifts around the house, and she knew just how many to look for. It was a lot of fun for anyone who has a little one around the house. I think we stopped this practice when she turned 15 or so. It obviously becomes expensive, and harder to get creative with 15 gifts instead of a few well needed and a little more pricey ones.
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(I think I will lick you for saving me)
So Happy Birthday to my Christie Marie! Your older than me when I had you~ Who loves you baby?? You better say me! ... Oh and your father too!
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Just to show you how lazy I get we used Christmas plates. I just found them in the wrapper that day. Hey don't judge me alright? LOL Who cares when it is just the four of us. :)

Monday, July 02, 2007


Can anyone explain to me why someone would do this? I'm starting to thing that Utube is really mind farts sometimes. I mean seriously~ With that said I will also say that there are alot of good crochet videos on there.

Now I'm outta here to call my Mom, cause I have been really naughty and have been neglecting calling her for exactly a week now. I know that I am awful, talk amoungst yourselves... but I really needed a mental break. All she ever wants to do is argue with me for apparently no reason at all, and I totally understand why. She just needs to vent it all out. I just couldn't be the venti for a little while is all.

The frustration that I have been feeling lately with family is working it's way through me, and into my husband. Men really aren't the same as women with emotional stuff, and I really hate taking it out on him. He has really turned his life around and is the greatest, and most understanding person I know. He has been my best friend since we were 17 years old! He just has to stop sticking up for me when my loud mouth can do it for myself.

I'm not a very social person outside of my family at all, and I don't even bother with "them" all that much. Think your secluded? HA! I know that perhaps I should change this situation, but my stubborn Irish side won't allow it. Blah~

I'm crocheting up some pet beds right now, because that is what is needed around here. We have all wood or tile on the floors. With the air on I'm guessing that is why they are all huddled up on the couch. So without further ado I must go call Mommy, and crochet while on the phone instead of arguing. You know that "uh huh" conversation that we sometimes need to do instead of making suggestions. Good bye to one and all. You've been patient with my FO's not showing yet. I promise they are coming.