Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Finally Pictures!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a few. Just been a little busy with lifes little hiccups that won't stop. I'm sure that everyone knows what I mean.... because I am not the only one.

I hope that everyone had a nice holiday last week. We had a last minute bbq at my house. Which was nice, and quiet. Just 7 of us that are close in my family~ same people at every party which is just fine with me. I hate to entertain.

My daughter Chris recently got a job at the new A.C. Moore that opened nearby. Wow! I'm in heaven with the discount! It's a delicious 40% off your entire purchase everyday... yes everyday! LOL I hope this one lasts a little while. She is a big crafter so I know that she is loving it for the time being.

Just to show off how pretty she is, here is a picture of her at work with her Dad over the weekend:

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Do you think we laughed our asses off or what? I have to admit that she did a great job, considering it was the hottest day here so far, and that she is a mere 100 lbs, and had to carry that huge head on her shoulders. LOL


Deb said...

LOL. Too funny!

I wish we had ACMoore's here.


Rebecca said...

that is hilarious!! LOVE jimmy neutron - my kids would freak if your dd paid us a visit!! :)